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Big Give Green Match Fund Campaign Week!

What a busy week! The amazing Swansea community have come out in force to support us with our Big Give Green Match Fund Campaign - Generation Natur and we want to say a huge DIOLCH! What is the Green Match Fund? In case you missed our posts over social media (and there have been quite a few), the Green Match Fund is a fundraising campaign organised by the Big Give. Our aim was to raise £5000 through donations in just one week which was matched by the Big Give and DOUBLED, giving us the opportunity to raise £10,000, all towards our #GenerationNatur appeal. All funds are going towards our Child and Youth Project, to help local young people engage in meaningful environmental work that will improve their wellbeing by connecting them with their local natural environment.

Did we make it? YES! All thanks to our amazing community! Not only did we raise the £10,000 we were aiming for but made it to £10,086. With added Gift Aid, the grand total is £10,978. Wow! Through kind online donations, organised sponsorship from our Young People and fundraising outside our local Dunelm Store, we have been completely overwhelmed by the support we have received. Our volunteers and staff have also joined in and done various fundraising activities in their spare time. Thank you guys! If you would like to support the Farm further, please consider regular monthly giving as it makes such big difference to small charities like us. If you are in the position to give monthly, please do take a look here on how you can support us. Diolch.

Check out our socials and follow us for regular Farm updates. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn.


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