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How Farm Volunteering Enriches Lives and Strengthens Families

Our volunteers come from all walks of life, whether it’s someone seeking support for their mental health, perhaps they have additional needs and are looking for a non-judgemental space (that’s us!), or maybe they want to learn new skills and build their confidence. Some are even students seeking hands-on training whilst at college or university. Regardless of the situation, everyone is welcome to volunteer with us at the Farm.

Whilst we often talk to our volunteers directly, gathering feedback and case studies from them about their experiences at the Farm, we find it’s important to speak to family members (often a devoted parent), to gain the perspective of people living with someone who has perhaps struggled with their mental health and/or may have additional needs.

We chatted with a parent of one of our adult volunteers to ask about their experiences and how volunteering at the farm has affected their family as whole.

How it Started

“Swansea Community Farm has had a huge positive impact on my son and in turn the family as a whole.  Being Autistic, he finds the world loud (both audibly and visually) and confusing. When he started here, he was angry, agitated and frustrated, not being able to find his fit. He had no confidence and his anxiety was through the roof.  As a family we were struggling. We didn't know how to help him. As parents we were stressed, scared for his future and didn't know where to turn. There's not much help out there.  


When he started here, he started off slowly, one day a fortnight, as this was all he could cope with.  Slowly over a few months we noticed a change. He was becoming happier and his confidence was slowly growing. Our house was becoming more relaxed and our worries were becoming less. When he stated he wanted to do one day a week a few months in, we were so proud of him."

Positive Changes


"Fast forward to nearly 3 years later and it's a very different story.  He has gone through a huge change thanks to the farm but it’s the family that has also changed. The dark cloud we were under has been lifted. We are a happier unit, we talk more openly and love spending time together. Our house has more fun and laughter now. We love it when he comes home from his day and he sits and excitedly tells us what his day has involved. He also takes lots of photos to show us. His joy and excitement is something 3 years ago we thought we'd never see. Putting his name forward for tasks and courses shows us how much his confidence has improved.  


The Farm is an incredible place for him volunteering but it has a far wider reach as it's the family that is benefitting. We can't thank the place enough for how much we've all changed. It's only now looking back that we realise how bad things were then. It’s a world away from where we are now. As parents we will always have worries about him, it's only natural but seeing this happier more confident young man our worries are far less than they used to be.”


In His Own Words

To think, when I first started here I wouldn’t speak to anyone and was so anxious, and today I gave 2 tours around the farm!"

Stories like this really make us happy and are just one many reason’s we LOVE what we do at the Farm.

How You Can Help

If you would like to support our project and the volunteers who dedicate their time here, please do consider becoming a monthly donor as it makes the world of difference. You can find more information about what we do on our website here.

If you would like information about volunteering, please email


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