New Goat Joy!
As you may have realised by now, WE LOVE GOATS! Which is why the staff and volunteers are extremely happy to have welcomed four new additions to our Farm family. Please say hello to Delyth, Gladys, Glesni and Gwynfor. Yay! They are four beautiful rare breed English Goats, which CEO Kate acquired from Harlings Farm Devon.
Delyth and the kids are settling in well and are extremely nibbly, grazing on pretty much anything and everything (watch out for your hair!)
We are currently running a feasibility study to set up a goat coop for Swansea, inspired by our recent trip to the amazing Street Goats in Bristol. If you are interested in having a slice of the 'Good Life' by caring for goats around the City and Gower please get in touch with us about our Geifr Gwyr Project.
Fel y gwyddoch erbyn hyn, rydyn ni'n caru geifr! Dyna pam mae'r staff a'r gwirfoddolwyr yn hapus iawn i groesawu pedwar ychwanegiad newydd i'n teulu Fferm. Dywedwch helo wrth Delyth, Gladys, Glesni a Gwynfor. Yay! Maent yn Geifr Saesneg brîd prin, a brynodd y Prif Swyddog Gweithredol Kate o Harlings Farm Devon.
Mae Delyth a'r plant yn ymgartrefu'n dda ac yn hynod o ystwyth, yn pori ar fwy neu lai unrhyw beth a phopeth (cadwch lygad am eich gwallt!)